The Study Stars


Astronomy is the study of planets and other objects that make up the universe. Astronomers track the location and movements of the planets. However, almost all astronomers are interested in more than just follow these objects.They also seek answers to questions like “What are stars made of?” and “How do they create their light?” For this reason, more astronomers also astrophysicists that is, studying the physical and chemical processes that occur in the universe.

Some astronomers, called observational astronomers, specialize in observing astronomical institutions in telescopes.Others are theoretical astronomers, which uses principles of physics and mathematics to determine the nature of the universe. Astronomers work in many specialized areas. For example, celebrity astronomers study the stars. Solar astronomers observe the sun star next ground. Planetary astronomers investigate the circumstances of the planets. Cosmologists, learning organization and the history o the universe as a whole.

Unlike most other sciences, astronomy is a platform where amateurs can make a significant contribution. For example, play amateur astronomers an important role in the study of variable stars. Such stars vary daylight time. The study of these stars provides information about distances in the universe. But there are too many variable stars for professionals to keep track of them. members of amateur groups, American Association of variable star observers, making many of the comments of these stars. Some other amateur groups together in search of stars that suddenly brighten. Such a star is called Nova or Supernova. Amateur astronomers also observe and photograph the moon, planets and galaxies as well as eclipses and other astronomical events.

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. It began in ancient times with scrutiny heaven go through regular cycles of motion. Throughout history, the study of these cycles has served for such purposes as keeping time, marking the arrival of the seasons, and navigation exactly at sea.

As early as 200 BC, the Babylonians charted the positions of heavenly bodies to predict events on earth. Making such predictions is called astrology and is based on the belief that the positions of stars and planets influence what happens on the ground. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans also predicted astrology, and many early astronomers believe it.


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