How Do Space and territory words related behavior?


They use all five senses to communicate. People have two eyes, ears, nose, hands and one mouth. It is safe to say, based on the construction sites, most communication is nonverbal. Space and territory related words behavior because of the way we respect or disrespect other human space. Space is paramount in how we receive and send messages phase. Research on how we use and interact space is called Proxemics. All animals lay claim to the territory and defend it in different ways. They established territory with frequenting space. Since confrontation is not normal or promote reconciliation, claiming this space is easily transmitted and received. They are the kings and queens in their own space all the time. Conflict arises when this space or territory is threatened. There are six different categories of area; primary, secondary, public, home, interactional and body. They all give people insight into the levels of space we need and why.

How encroachment and pollution affect the break room of the individual?

encroachment is not always negative. Love, like respect and admiration are sometimes sent by encroachment. Encroachment has a negative impact on a person’s space when the offense or invasion occurs. Breach is when you use the territory of one. For example, when I was little, I used to jump on the bed of my parents and watched on TV when they were working. It was a temporary intervention in space. It was also unwarranted. In college, the first time I used Köln my roommate. Violations, unlike the invasion, is temporary, unwarranted use of any territory. Invasion is permanent and deliberate interventions. This is when encroaches forces physical presence into space otherwise. Settlement in America’s invasion to the natives. Pollution is changing the environment of space some or territory. Go into a room somewhere and passing gas pollution. Pouring red Kool-aid in the new car of any pollution.

People use preventive measures like labeling of garments, bags or books to prevent encroachment. People also goes as far as the meaning of the symbols to prevent aggression. People can also use offensive display of territorial claim to speak encroachers, tenure is also used to lay claim to the territory. This is when a person has engaged in space as long as it sent a claim to the territory of

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