Fun Astronomy Facts


If you want to measure the solar system, how would you do it? This is the simplest way to measure it in light-years. For those not familiar with the term, a light-year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one year. This is because the distances between stars is so huge that it is otherwise very difficult to imagine them. A light year is exactly 9,460,730,472,580.8 km. Put this in the real world distances, the Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years across.

The Earth is one of nine planets forming the Solar System, so called because the sun is the source of solar energy, is the center around which all the planets orbit. So far, scientists have not been able to establish or prove the existence of living organisms on other planets in the solar system. Often, the search for other organisms has been focused on looking at the weather conditions in the celestial body in question. Scientists assume that organisms on another planet would have similar conditions and life on Earth, such as oxygen, light and water to grow. This may or may not be true.

Other than the sun, and no other celestial body has a significant impact on the earth as the moon. It is well know that the moon influences the rise and fall of the sea tide. Such is the effect of the gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon. Jupiter is easily the biggest planet in our solar system. To put its size in perspective, Jupiter is more than 300 times the mass of Earth. Here is the interesting part; Jupiter has 63 moons orbiting it and yet it is not a planet in the solar system with the most moons. That honor belongs to the ringed-planet Saturn has 66 moons that date. Pluto, the farthest flung among the nine planets, has been the subject of heated debate on whether it meets in fact be considered a planet. Nowadays, it is classified as a dwarf planet. Its orbit around the sun is elliptical rather heavily. In fact, there are instances where Pluto is actually closer to the sun than Neptune, the planet that preceded it.

Now talking about size within the solar system, well, let’s just say that the sun is unmatched. Did you know that the sun covers more than 99% of the total mass of all the solar system? Jupiter actually takes up much of the volume. The surface temperature of the sun standing at 5000 Kelvin (4727 degrees Celsius). With the temperature at its core to reach 15.6 million Kelvin (15.6 million Celsius), the sun is truly heavenly vision. It will be even better when you realize that the sun is classified as a type G star. Stars are classified into six categories that tie into the surface of the heat and light. The categories are M, K, G, F, A, B and O listed in increasing order of light and surface temperature. You can see the sun falls on the lower end of this classification. Class B and O are rare in the universe than most stars are Class M and emit less heat and light energy. That said, Sun is within 90 percentile by weight among all the stars. We have found the other stars that are larger than our sun, one is estimated to be approximately 60,000 times larger

The Solar System forms a tiny part of the Milky Way, a huge conglomeration of stars and planets .. What makes astronomy so exciting is that despite its size, the Milky Way is not the only galaxy in the universe. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies out there, probably more. The closest galaxy to the Milky Way is Andromeda. Now, brace yourself for a distance, it is 2.3 million light years away. One of the most exciting phenomena for astronomers is a black hole. It is a region of the universe where the concentration of mass is so much (no pun intended) that it generates gravity sucks in everything around it. All includes light. Remember to escape velocity for any object in the universe is the speed needed to escape the gravitational pull things. The escape velocity for the Earth is slightly more than 11 km per hour while the moon is 2.5 km per second. Well for a black hole, the escape velocity of the speed of light. That’s how strong the pull is.


Star Gazing


Star gazing is indisputably the oldest scientific interests on earth. Before the invention of the telescope, Stargazers required no special equipment but your eyes and clear view of the sky to appreciate the splendor of infinity. For many people, star gazing begins not only the favorite search. In some, it is a natural response to congenital desire – to reach for the stars. In others, star gazing originates from growing respect they cultivate the vastness of this universe. Whether you have to catch a glimpse of the star-filled clear skies or peeping in the universe through your telescope, you can not deny Felicity causes. Consequently, star gazing could be great repose from the busy life. Every one of us would have at least once in our lives looking at the stars with the exaltation of so pure and divine.

Star gazing as scientific policy, dates back to the ancient philosopher Plato. His student, Aristotle was the first to begin the systematic study of astronomy than 300 BC, though he mistakenly together the Earth is the center of the universe and the stars move around it. During the long course of the scientific journey, many astronomers later continued his study and integrated theories of their observation and primitive star gazing. Star gazing was a major branch of study and laid the foundation for Astronomy. The man had always worked on the theory that leave bright objects hanging clouds and the relative position in space. Stars have always fascinated man and especially the intellectual group of humanity. Boundless nature of the universe is one of never-ending fascinations man pointing his star gazing. Many recognize that their affection for Star Gazing still fresh through their life.

exciting way to refresh your senses, star gazing could actually be a great learning experience. Star gazing ultimately encourages us to gather knowledge of the heavenly bodies of our limitless universe. Many star gazers not just stop at Star Gazing. They continue to learn in detail the working principles of the universe and ingredients. So contributes star gazing scientific education among its enthusiasts. Star gazing has really interesting story in the development of science and the scientific method. It was the star gazing which came out in the first amazing fact, many communities were not able to digest that the earth was not the center of the universe. In due course, the scientific method has corrected many misconceptions our ancestors had endured.

It was only in the 17th century Grand invention Telescope changed the face of star gazing. The Telescope was a scientific milestone that paved the way for modern astronomy. Throughout the four centuries that have passed, the telescope as a major tool for scientific research, has tremendously aided astronomers unravel the countless mysteries of the universe around us. Today, glass telescope has evolved a lot out of the radio telescope. Radio telescopes, however, rely on the same principle amplification glass telescopes, can provide sight of celestial bodies millions of light years away. But the glass telescope has not lost its prominence. It continues to serve scientists and amateur astronomers continuing brilliance as ever. There is always a plenitude of star gazing enthusiasts around the world to direct their telescopes to the sparkling home of hope to hang in the dimmest canyons of enigmatic universe. And scientists are looking out of their telescopes laboratory in the hope of discovering another new home for mankind to stop. Expressions anticipation and burning desire, star gazing will continue to be presented with many more enthusiasts worldwide.

Worth honorary mention is timeless quote Plato related to Star Gazing, “Astronomy compels the soul to look up and leads us from this world to another.”

If you are new to the wonderful world of astronomy, or star gazing, great Initiation was Asynx Planetarium Software.


Best Telescope to Get Into Astronomy


If you want to get into astronomy, there is only one way, and the best way is to buy a telescope. The best binoculars will allow you to get the most out of astronomy. As you read this article, you will soon discover what the best telescope is

In this article, you will soon discover :.

* What is the best Telescope?

* Choosing Between Reflector and Refrigeration Actor telescopes

* Getting Into Astronomy with computerized telescopes

* How To Find telescopes for sale?

* What is the best Telescope?

The best telescope can mean different things to different people. The best binoculars for some people might mean the most expensive model. But the truth is that the best telescope is one that allows you to get years of enjoyment out of astronomy.

This brings them down on several factors, which we will be looking at further in this article. For example, it is for the child, it is for teenagers or adults. All these factors need to be examined to discover which is the best option.

* Choosing Between Reflector and Refrigeration Actor astronomy

Refrigeration Actor telescopes are often the ones that are seen as telescopes. They have a long tube, and as binoculars that work with similar principles, you look from the back and the light goes to the front.

Refrigeration Actor telescopes are great because they are very low maintenance. This is the best way to buy a telescope for a child or teen. The ease of use makes it a great way to get into astronomy. With children, it is necessary to help them to use a telescope, even a small version can still be cumbersome.

Refrigeration Actors are great when it comes down to small sizes, although larger sizes, refractors cost can be enormous, in fact thousands! This is not necessary as other forms, and made reflectors, utilizing mirror.

* Getting Into Astronomy with computerized astronomy

Another option that is becoming very popular computerized telescopes. Computerized telescopes are great for many reasons. For example, to allow computerized telescopes you enter the code, and it attracts exactly the point, allowing you to view the item.

This saves a lot of time considering how you would have to do it manually. This is an automatic navigation of the universe, and is the greatest way to get into astronomy.

* How To Find telescopes for sale?

Find telescopes for sale can be found in many ways. One way is through a telescope stores; However, there are not many shops around. Another option is to look online, where there are many shops dotted around the world, who will deliver to your home.


Cool Facts About Planet – Saturn


There is a slow moving planet also judge among the planets and provides results as in the works of the effects observed more intense and longer than any other planet. Saturn is favorable for people born on signs owned by Venus, and evil to those born in the sign held by Mercury.

Saturn in 1st house

The native will have a long life and success. If Saturn is malefic if native is celebrating its anniversary it will give very bad results.

Saturn in the 2nd House

The native inherit wealth and be God-fearing man. If Saturn is malefic, his in-laws will face problems.

Saturn in the 3rd House

The native will be healthy, wise and very intuitive. He will have a few male members of the family. The happiness of the family will be held for all if native not indulge in having meat and alcohol.

Saturn in the 4th House

will give mixed results. The native will be a complete family man; he will have relatives who work in the medical field.

Saturn in the 5th House

The native will be proud, and will be dependent on his family to survive.

Saturn in the 6th House

Marriage under 28 will spell doom for native, a better life, he should marry late and be polite to a woman.

Saturn in the 7th House

Native life will change for good after marriage and he will become rich and successful after marriage, but if he gets acrimony with his wife he will suffer. As long as he respects his wife that he will enjoy success and wealth.

Saturn in the 8th House

The native will have a long life, but will not get cooperation from his brothers

Saturn in the 9th House

The native will be born into a wealthy family, the family will be closely tied, but the native can not become a father in the early years after marriage.

Saturn in 10th House

It will give good results. The native will enjoy wealth and property as long as he lives in a rental house. The native should take up the work, which is the one sitting to get the full effect of Saturn.

Saturn in the 11th house

The native will be a late bloomer, will have children and will make money by slick and fraud.

Saturn in the 12th house

Provides good performance, native will not have enemies. His family and business will increase. He will be very rich. To avoid misery native should refrain from, alcohol and non-vegetarian food.


Technology astronomers today


Astronomy is a topic in science. For most astronomy, there are scientific devices in use. This can be telescopes, which have different technologies, and also to use computers. In this article we will take a look at the technology used in astronomy today.

Since the dawn of time, man has looked up at the stars in wonder. What were these shimmering lights in the night sky? A torch to light our way? It has certainly been used for farmers, fishermen, and many other areas to determine the seasons and other important factors, though, let’s look at the technology used in astronomy.

What was the technology that Stone Age man and any man or woman today who looks up at the night sky? What is the principle of what is going on when people observe things? For certainly the sun is not as big as my thumb, but the actual size that could eat up the ground and still be hungry!

The point is simple. The stars and other objects in the sky can be millions of light years away. As you look at this part of the light goes to meet the eye. As it meets the eye, it passes through the pupil of the eye. This is the technology of man, and to see more, you need more light to enter.

If your student was as large as the Earth, our Moon appears to be as hands in front of you. This means that more light to let in, the more we can see, and the bigger it will appear to be.

This is what astronomers and scientists have learned that for years. It makes sense. However telescopes today are not using today’s technology. Yes, many have some new features, but behind it all, they almost use two different systems.

One of the system is famous Galileo refractoriness. This works by allowing light coming through the big lens, and finally through other lenses get focused to meet the eye. What happens here is that you get to see things far more expanded. In fact, you have increased the pupil of the eye!

Another system which is widely used system of Isaac Newton’s telescope. This technology is used in astronomical telescopes widely available, the light goes and bounces the mirror and come back to find another sloping mirror that transmits light through the lens to meet the eye. By increasing your student effectively with technology.

There is much more about the technology used in astronomy today. For example, the Hubble Space Telescope and many other astronomical devices. However, one thing that is becoming more common is to use a computer that runs the telescope. This has made navigation of the night sky to be much easier than it used to be.


Astronomy, Star Gazing, and Green Laser Pointers


There is nothing more frustrating in astronomy that while unsuccessfully trying to identify the object in the night sky to the members by waving his arms, pointing fingers, describing and gestulating. An elegant, simple and highly effective solution to this problem is to use green laser pointers to point out objects in the sky.

Green Laser Pointers high technology gadgets that are becoming more and more popular in astronomy. Not only are Green Laser pointers ideal for pointing at objects, they are also very useful for adapted telescopes and atrophotography.

Why Green laser pointers

Green Laser pointers are the preferred laser pointer color for astronomy because green is the most visible laser pointer color. The reason why green is more visible is the human eye is most sensitive to green light. The second reason is the effect of light in the atmosphere. Light is visible in the sky when the atmosphere scatters them and higher wavelengths are scattered more than higher wavelengths. Green is a medium wavelength so it scatters more and more visible than longer wavelengths, such as red.

Other applications

using green laser pointers to point out celestial object to people next to you is not the only application for laser pointers astronomy. A green laser pointer can also be mounted on a telescope with a bracket or by holding the laser by hand in the groove parallel to the telescopes optical axis. The green laser pointer beam clearly shows where the telescope is pointing and the object to view through a telescope.

A green laser pointer mounted on a telescope can also makes aligning the telescope to a celestial object much faster and easier.

How powerful should the laser pointer be?

Green Laser pointers can range in power levels from 1mW all the way to 200mW so deciding which power level to use can be tricky. The factors to consider when choosing the power level for astronomy lasers are

-The number of people star gazing with you. If there is only one person, a low power such as 5mW will be suitable. If you are stargazing with a large group of people who will not stand next to you, the laser has to be more prominent so high power level such as 100mW would be suitable.

-The level of ambient light. If you are stargazing at dawn / dusk, during the full moon or in built-up areas where there is a lot of light pollution, low power beam such as 5mW would be harder to see. You would usually need at least 50mW or more in this kind of situation.

Higher power laser pointers are not always better because any glare from them can easily ruin your night vision and can provide a distraction. Many celebrities nights have been ruined when people have been paying more attention to the new and exotic high power laser used to point to objects than the actual objects themselves.


Deliberately pointing a laser at aircraft is a very serious offense in each country so avoid star gazing near airports and do not use a laser when an aircraft section sky be viewer.

Article is courtesy of Dragon Lasers -. No 1 lasers, laser pointer and green laser online store


The Study Stars


Astronomy is the study of planets and other objects that make up the universe. Astronomers track the location and movements of the planets. However, almost all astronomers are interested in more than just follow these objects.They also seek answers to questions like “What are stars made of?” and “How do they create their light?” For this reason, more astronomers also astrophysicists that is, studying the physical and chemical processes that occur in the universe.

Some astronomers, called observational astronomers, specialize in observing astronomical institutions in telescopes.Others are theoretical astronomers, which uses principles of physics and mathematics to determine the nature of the universe. Astronomers work in many specialized areas. For example, celebrity astronomers study the stars. Solar astronomers observe the sun star next ground. Planetary astronomers investigate the circumstances of the planets. Cosmologists, learning organization and the history o the universe as a whole.

Unlike most other sciences, astronomy is a platform where amateurs can make a significant contribution. For example, play amateur astronomers an important role in the study of variable stars. Such stars vary daylight time. The study of these stars provides information about distances in the universe. But there are too many variable stars for professionals to keep track of them. members of amateur groups, American Association of variable star observers, making many of the comments of these stars. Some other amateur groups together in search of stars that suddenly brighten. Such a star is called Nova or Supernova. Amateur astronomers also observe and photograph the moon, planets and galaxies as well as eclipses and other astronomical events.

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. It began in ancient times with scrutiny heaven go through regular cycles of motion. Throughout history, the study of these cycles has served for such purposes as keeping time, marking the arrival of the seasons, and navigation exactly at sea.

As early as 200 BC, the Babylonians charted the positions of heavenly bodies to predict events on earth. Making such predictions is called astrology and is based on the belief that the positions of stars and planets influence what happens on the ground. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans also predicted astrology, and many early astronomers believe it.


Fun Astronomy Facts


It is not always serious side of things that can inspire us to study it deeper. Sometimes strange and amusing signs that they encourage your interest first. In the beginning, you can just get a piece of information that can simply whet little appetite for knowledge. Soon, you will realize that more of the same until you finally hooked to it. The same rule applies to astronomy. A trivial fact about a particular star may have started it all. However, the later you start looking for more information on the rest of the stars and planets until you become a serious astronomy buff yourself. Here are some fun facts of astronomy that will surely inspire you to learn more about it.

Of course, when you have heard many times that the stars are innumerable. It is as far as literature and Bible classes have told you. However, being physical objects, stars can certainly be considered. It only takes a telescope as powerful as the Hubble in order for you to do next assessment. With it, you will learn that there are 175 billion galaxies in the universe. A dwarf galaxy may have 10 million stars while giant may trillion. Therefore, if you want to know how many stars you can possibly see in the night, just make the numbers instead of lifting your fingers and headaches consider them. However, you may need to update the count annually too. It is said that the Milky Way, the galaxy in which Earth is located, can have a maximum of five new stars every year.

Although the number of stars is much larger than the sand of the ground, the main star of the solar system is the sun, 864 thousand miles. That is why the light one can already do many other stars lose their brilliance. However, there are even bigger stars than the sun. It’s just that these are too far away from Earth as being significant. You will definitely learn more about these things if you raise your interest in astronomy. If you are astro phobia, however, you can only get to learn this through books. Astro Phobia is the fear of anything in the celestial system. The sight of the star may scare you.

Fun facts in astronomy are also those that can be used to start a conversation. Often this information no one considered important. However, when you tell them that they may ask for more. In order for you to run out of similar subjects to share, you will learn astronomy in the way professionals do. Do not waste any time reading your books. Instead occur telescope and stare at the sky at night.


Amateur Astronomy


Let’s not confuse astrology with astronomy; “Astrology” is not the same as current day astronomy. It is the oldest skill. (“Astronomy” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). But at all levels, is an exploration of the heavens. It seeks to understand the make-up and the story of the universe. It is our tool for unlocking the study. Amateur Astronomy is very popular in most cities and small towns. It is one of those hobbies that I would like to be involved. It is a great hobby that is enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. It is the largest and oldest hobby of all time. Amateur Astronomy generates more people, a person is less likely to be discouraged by the need to learn how to find objects in the night sky before she gets to see them. Some magazines and magazines are printed forums of activities related to amateur astronomers around the world. They are user short publications. Amateur Astronomy is practiced as a hobby.

It is often pleasant as it could be a way to respond to the scientific. It is, as it turns out, pastime to share. It is changing and we need to broaden our understanding of variations so that we can make the improvements as they become available and fit our needs. Astronomy is gaining importance from a scientific point of view. Amateur Astrology is much more than just watching the extraterrestrial issue with telescopes and binoculars, although this is the main heart of most. It is an exciting hobby for amateur astronomers can and do actually discoveries and contribute to the field it is. Advanced Amateur Astronomy books are now within reach of anyone, and this is an ideal book to get you started.

To get really into it, you probably want to get a telescope, either for you or maybe your children are showing interest in the wonders of the universe. It’s a hobby and can be a presentation of some practical and useful technology. It is alive and well in the West, as evidenced by the many interest groups and clubs that meet regularly. It is the fastest growing activity that appeals in many ways to all ages. It is a hobby that many people engage interested. That is, not yet working in the field.

You’re sure to meet many new friends who want to share a passion and curiosity. It is rich with activities, exercises, laboratories and high-tech education. It is the study of planets and other objects in the universe, and their works, movements and origin. It is different from most science that we can not directly interact with the object of study. It is a science that seeks to explain everything that we in the universe. It is the study of the universe and its contents, planets, stars, black holes, galaxies and quasars. It is one of the oldest sciences. It is the study of the planets, stars, galaxies and the universe as a whole, including the way they do and how they evolved in time. There is observational, not experimental skill. It is the most Primeval science, have been from the beginning of recorded civilization.

it’s not totally serious specialty. It is the last science that many non-professional researchers can make text and important contribution. It is an excellent example of how fascinating physics can be. Radio astronomy is also partly responsible for the idea that dark matter is an important element in our universe. Indeed, it is both nearby and most outlying science from common experience. That is why it is both the oldest and the youngest science of them all. And yet Radio Astronomy itself is a young science, too. The study of our universe is not new, it is the oldest science. However, you could say it is the study of everything, because everything is part of the universe.


The Study Stars


Astronomy is the study of planets and other objects that make up the universe. Astronomers track the location and movements of the planets. However, almost all astronomers are interested in more than just follow these objects.They also seek answers to questions like “What are stars made of?” and “How do they create their light?” For this reason, more astronomers also astrophysicists that is, studying the physical and chemical processes that occur in the universe.

Some astronomers, called observational astronomers, specialize in observing astronomical institutions in telescopes.Others are theoretical astronomers, which uses principles of physics and mathematics to determine the nature of the universe. Astronomers work in many specialized areas. For example, celebrity astronomers study the stars. Solar astronomers observe the sun star next ground. Planetary astronomers investigate the circumstances of the planets. Cosmologists, learning organization and the history o the universe as a whole.

Unlike most other sciences, astronomy is a platform where amateurs can make a significant contribution. For example, play amateur astronomers an important role in the study of variable stars. Such stars vary daylight time. The study of these stars provides information about distances in the universe. But there are too many variable stars for professionals to keep track of them. members of amateur groups, American Association of variable star observers, making many of the comments of these stars. Some other amateur groups together in search of stars that suddenly brighten. Such a star is called Nova or Supernova. Amateur astronomers also observe and photograph the moon, planets and galaxies as well as eclipses and other astronomical events.

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. It began in ancient times with scrutiny heaven go through regular cycles of motion. Throughout history, the study of these cycles has served for such purposes as keeping time, marking the arrival of the seasons, and navigation exactly at sea.

As early as 200 BC, the Babylonians charted the positions of heavenly bodies to predict events on earth. Making such predictions is called astrology and is based on the belief that the positions of stars and planets influence what happens on the ground. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans also predicted astrology, and many early astronomers believe it.
