What is The Buddhist View of cosmology?


There is no one Sutra that describes the whole structure of the universe. However, there are several sutras in Buddhism that describe other worlds and State creatures that share them. There are other sutras describing the origin and destruction of the universe.

Buddhist picture of the universe that can not be taken as a literal description of the shape of the universe rather the universe seen through the “divine eye” Buddha conscious of any other worlds and creatures that are born and die within these worlds where Buddha knows what state they are born and reborn in. In Buddhist cosmology is explained symbolical meaning.

Buddhist view of cosmology can be divided into two related cosmological principles based on local cosmology and temporal cosmology.

Spatial cosmology that describes various arrangements at home in the universe that is compatible with the principle of Drakes find extra terrestrial planets of the universe.

The temporal cosmology describes how worlds come into existence and pass.

In Buddhism Abhasvara home reached 1,000 special World-system. Above Abhasvara world is Subhakrtsna home with 1 million of the world-system and Suddhavasa and Brhatphala world cover 1 trillion World system. This view is consistent with the existing notes visible universe a trillion galaxies, each with a typical galaxy contains over a hundred billion stars, each star have the option to have at least one extra solar planets.

basic measure of time in the universe in Buddhism mahakalpa which is known to be a billion years or more. A mahakalpa is divided into four Kalpas (mini period) known as: Vivartakalpa is where the universe comes into existence, Vivartasthayikalpa where the universe is continued throughout the balance, Samvarakalpa where the universe destructs, a period when the universe is empty balance known as Samvartasthayikalpa.

Buddhist view of the universe is in line with current scientific observations of the universe was born of the big bang out of cosmic radiation and end in a big crunch after the season empty state. After the big crunch, Buddhism suggests infinite continuous cycle born and destruction of the universe over time extends to infinity.


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