Music in Ancient Sumeria – History and Importance


Sumerians lived in the ancient Mesopotamia, where modern Iraq and part of Iran are located, from 5300BC to1940BC. They were the first in many different areas. They had schools, a strong mathematical system, geometry, astronomy, cuneiform writing, calendar, credited with the invention of the wheel, and many other signs of a strong culture. Not only were they the first in this, but also appears to be the first to bring music that would be recognizable to modern people. Musicians were educated in Mesopotamia schools and they played an important role in ancient Sumerian Life. Harps were very popular and reflected Sumerians love for music.

Music Instruments discovered in landfill sites and art include harps, Clappers and later even drums and wind instruments. Specifically, Reed pipes, vertical flutes, lyres, harps, kitharas, drums, Clappers, least made for a wide array of devices. Songs were often devotionals goddess within. They were incorporated into religious and everyday life. Another interesting discovery appears to be a symbol. A numeric system found on many hymnal text appears to be a form of signal.

Music seems to have its roots in temples, but soon became a part of everyday life. Musicians would clean their hands before playing stringed instruments like the harp.

music centered around heptachlor tonic-diatonic scale that is now used in Western music today. It had been thought that Western music’s origins in later Greek music, but researchers are now taking a closer look at the Sumerian origin as a distinct possibility.

One must keep in mind that it could be attributed as Sumerian musical innovation could very well have been inherited from previous civilizations. We have little or no record of these past civilizations, that are not doing concretely origin Sumerian instruments and scales. It is just simply gorgeous though meditation music from civilization so incredibly ancient, yet so reflective of your very own modern culture.

After the collapse of Sumerian civilization around 2000 BC, you might think that all this knowledge had been lost. Babylonians, however, used the knowledge gained from the Sumerians and continued musical momentum

To understand the role of music theory in modeling the universe, one must understand that it includes :. “The definition of the intervals, the distance between pitches with ratios of numbers or counting numbers.” The ancient Sumerians music was a tool that helped them to describe the universe. (McClain, Ernest G.; “Musical Theory and Ancient Cosmology,” The World and I, p. 371, February 1994 Cr. L. Ellenberger)


Space Diving Is Ultimate Extreme Sport


Space diving is when you jump from a plane or spacecraft high enough to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere. According to the 2007 article in the Telegraph out of the UK, this extreme sport will soon become popular daredevil sport like bungee jumping and skydiving.

In the 1960s US Air Force Captain Joe Kitt Inger jumping from a height of 20 miles, reaching speeds of 700 miles while diving from space. Now skydiving enthusiasts want to break this up. Those who want to participate in this extreme sport should also be aware of the risk of death is very likely, and so far 22 people have died trying to do this.

There are a few brave individuals who are willing to make space diving. Daredevil Felix Baumgartner intends to achieve this objective in the summer and he wants to jump from a height of 36 kilometers above New Mexico, according to Space Exploration Network. Baumgartner also like to have predicted his victory, he will get people interested in space diving as extreme sport.

Because diving from low Earth orbit (LEO) is a special form of skydiving, you should get months of training with certified coaches who have experience in sports. You should also buy a specialized accident insurance and life insurance because this project is risky and you could be injury or even death. You should also research the types of suits and other gear required for space diving. Ask your teacher lots of questions and make sure that you are physically and mentally ready before you make your first (and perhaps only) attempt.

Scientists are developing the perfect suit for space divers in the future. They noted that the case will include accompanying helmet, gloves and boots, and this issue will include a liquid cooled thermal regulation system. The case will be little gas jets to help the body adapt to weightlessness in the upper atmosphere of the Earth and this issue will be protected against leakage of oxygen.

There are some benefits of space diving. It allows you to explore the earth in a way that you can not explore just by reading about it or watching documentaries about the planet. If you jump space you’re in a better place to discuss what you learned about the planet to the other. Space diving allows you to take risks in life and achieve a goal that very few are able to do. It also tests personnel skills and spiritual strength in ways that you never thought of.

Finally, space diving is a rare but potentially important extreme sport. This project is not for those who do not have extensive experience in skydiving and it is not for those who are not the bravest of this type of sport. Space Diving gives you the opportunity to actively learn about the planet and you’ll become a better rounded as a person.


Telescopes Binoculars or Telescope – What is the difference



The basic difference binoculars and telescopes binoculars for their intended use. A pair of field binoculars are generally used for magnifying insert an object that is relatively close to and within a limited field of view. However telescope binoculars specifically for stargazing and much larger focal length than conventional binoculars.

Why Use Telescope Binoculars vs Telescope

The truth is, you can see more of the sky at night with a good pair of binoculars but inexpensive telescope. And another thing, it may be easier to look through a telescope, binoculars with both eyes open and through the telescope with one eye closed.

examined the stars and planets through a telescope for any length of time can certainly tire the eye muscles and actually cause focusing problems. As a matter of fact, there are more and more amateur astronomers looking into the benefits of telescopes binoculars for ease of use. These famous people binoculars can be mounted on a tripod for more stability and a better view of the universe.

How Telescope Telescope Work

Firstly, this telescope is designed specifically for stargazing and a larger aperture opening which allows more light into lenses. This gives a brighter vision and the object being observed. The prisms on telescope binoculars are different in that they are better suited to astronomy. Prisms of them really absorb less light makes viewed object stand out and appear brighter. They are especially useful when viewing in low light.

How to Choose the Right Binoculars Telescope

There are a number of different types of binoculars on the market today that can be used for astronomy. But one thing to require the desired telescope your binoculars have what is called Porro prism. This prism is intended for low light view and ideal for stargazing.

The common prism of the new telescope is called a roof prism and is not conducive to a good night view. But technological advances have allowed the updating of vision and lens capacity and improve viewing quality. Despite these upgrades, you will still benefit from the use of Porro prism binoculars. Their quality is better for astronomical use and generally cost less.

Stabilizing Binoculars Telescope Your Better stargazing

When selecting a telescope, binoculars, make sure that they have the ability to be mounted on a solid object, preferably a tripod . When you look at the small things in the skies, all the movements of your telescope will result in blurred or shaky image.

Whether you are stargazing with a telescope, binoculars or a telescope normal, fixed position will enhance the viewing experience. It is really worth the cost of purchasing a tripod and avoid all the frustration that comes with constant re-focus on relevant heavenly body.

Telescope telescope is an alternative to conventional telescope can increase stargazing pleasure. If you want to see in the night sky with both eyes open, this is the perfect choice for you!


Fyrir Intellectual Spiritual Epiphany, Pix Skoða Hubble sjónaukans “eyða” Blettur í alheiminum


Vissulega meðal framúrskarandi tæknileg afrek siðmenningarinnar – hugsanlega til cubed völd (þar sem krafa ráðist sjónauka sig, auk þess sem það er verið að rocketed í geiminn, þá assemblage sína og readying fyrir þjónustu) – er Hubble vélfærafræði sjónauka. Leit deepness rúm, það opnast í heim 13,7 milljarða ára síðan – að þeim tíma sem stofnun alheimsins. Það er rúm-undirstaða Observatory, nefndi stjörnufræðingur Edwin Hubble (1889 – 1958); hleypt af stokkunum í 1990, hringi og það jörðina á hæð 593 km (að vera fyrir ofan röskun á lofthjúpsins); það orbits fresti 96 mínútur. Aðal spegill er 2,4 metrar í þvermál, með a einbeitni af .1 sekúndum boga. Hvað Hubble sjónaukinn hefur gefið mannkyninu er hugur-numbing bæði fegurð og mat-til-hugsun.

frá the fá-fara, ljósmyndir voru svo stórkostlegum að NASA stofnað mennta inngangs röð Internet Tilboð, td “A Little Stjörnufræði”, og a stigveldi framúrskarandi ljósmyndum – en þeir eru allir svo óviðjafnanlega að skora hvernig það getur verið hvaða ívilnandi samanburð. Hins vegar var valinn röð stofnað: 1. er Galaxy Hat, M 104; 2. er Nebula MZ3, tveir ljómandi demantur eins litum, .3rd er Eskimo Nebula NGC 2392; 4. er Eyes þokunni kattarins: 5 er stundaglas Nebula; 6. er Swan Nebula, sem lítur út eins og hvernig vettvangur frá sköpun heimsins gæti birst; etc Kannski mest sláandi við þessa áheyrnarfulltrúa er Starry Night, sem lítur út eins og brot úr blúndu fortjald (skipuð af óteljandi fjölda einstakra stjarna), með miðlægum glóandi gríðarlega rauða boltanum, og ráðandi mjög ljómandi stjarna í nákvæmlega miðju. The hópur fyrstu tíu valinn einnig eru tvær þyrlast vetrarbrautir, 11,4 milljón ljósára fjarlægð; sem yfirgengilega multi-litaður Eagle Nebula; blikandi Rosette Nebula. Þá, með hjarta-stífla áhrif er enda af svarthol, með líf-sjúga geislum sínum inn-draga orku og ljós – geislum virðist að útstreymi frá miðju og nær út í geiminn á báðum hliðum – í stað þess að vera hið gagnstæða. Þau eru öll svo valdmannslegur, sem augljóslega allir hierarchial röðun getur aðeins verið handahófskennt, persónuleg og umdeild

Þó allt hér að ofan -. Staðall framleiðsla Hubble sjónaukanum – eru að langmestu stórkostlegum, að upplifa intellectual- trúarleg tilfinning, ekið með þekkingu á því hvað það er , eins og heilbrigður eins og hvað sjón sýna, er nýjasta afrek, sem heitir Ultra Deep Field – þar sem Hubble sjónaukinn var áherslu á algerlega auður, tómur dökk rými í Cosmic landslag skær ljós – áherslu eins lengi og átta, þá tíu, þá ellefu daga

A þroskandi þáttur Hubble sjónaukanum er að þetta gríðarlega fjárfestingu fjár landsins okkar. í fjársjóði og heila-máttur, nýta mikið af okkar þjóð er mest framúrskarandi í vísindum og tækni, er sú staðreynd að það var ekki krafist af sannfærandi þörf eins landvarnir gegn óvinum, annaðhvort dauðlega eða sjúkdóms, en hvetja aðeins að fullnægja forvitni mannkyns , að skilja, að læra um búsvæði okkar, alheiminum.

Hvað kom fram í þessum auða, dökkum blettum var stjörnum og stjörnum og stjörnum og vetrarbrautum, og vetrarbrautir, glitrandi alls staðar á öllu víðsýni himnum. Þeir voru svo fjarlægar að það tók daga fyrir þessar faintest ljósgeisla að haugsetja með Hubble sjónaukanum svo að það sé sýnilegt. En þar sem þeir voru í hverjum myrkri og auðum stað:. Vetrarbrautir – og vetrarbrautir – og vetrarbrautir

Frá gögn safnað, NASA hefur skapað 3-D framsetningu alheimsins okkar, yfir fjörutíu milljarða ljósára yfir vaxandi alheimurinn, með mati á 100 milljarða vetrarbrauta – eins Vetrarbrautarinnar, hverri vetrarbraut með milljón stjörnum – eins og sól okkar, hvert sólinni með gífurlegur fjöldi af plánetum – hugsanlega eins Earth. Er tilgangur þessara milljarða án sýnilegra vetrarbrautum með sólir þeirra og reikistjarna. Er líf annars staðar? Hvernig var alheimurinn til? Hvers vegna?


Kepler – The Best Experimental in Astronomy The Hubble


The Hubble Space Telescope revolutionized astronomy. A single, large mirror placed outside their own atmosphere was able to collect enough light from distant regions of the universe to produce remarkable images of galaxies that we had never seen before and expanded our knowledge of our universe immensely. The shooting star, Hubble was a remarkable achievement in engineering as well as optics. With it, we found many planets outside our solar system. However, the pictures told us nothing about the atmosphere of this planet and whether someone would be inhabitable. How could it be done?

By using all different types of telescopes. Photometry collects the same light as it analyzes the light color and intensity rather than simply producing a still image. These colors can then be advised signature products so we know what factors they produced. It has been used for decades to identify gas galaxies, nebulas and individual stars like our own sun. With spectral graphs, chemical signatures of each of these items were obtained. They have even been used to study local gaseous our planet. The question is can we do the same for planets outside our solar system that Hubble and others had already been found?

Dr. William Borucki of NASA proposed the idea to put such a telescope in orbit in a similar way to the Hubble telescope in the late 1980s, but with a twist. It would study one star-planet system with time to take transit of the planet passed its own star and have the opportunity to study the signature of any gas around this planet. NASA his officers laughed at the idea completely absurd and refused to consider funding it. The technology to learn a lot of planets, the imaging and could be considered, but the technology to explore the planets as small as Earth from such distances was not available and they did not think it could be done. It was a response Dr. Borucki expected but refused to accept.


Sydney Museum and Science – International Year of Astronomy


2009 has been deemed the International Year of Astronomy, and Sydney has taken the theme directly in her arms.

Sydney Observatory and observatories around New South Wales have a universe of events planned, which aim to increase public awareness of the beauty and awe-inspiring sights of the universe has to offer. Before I go into an extensive list, but I thought I’d mention why 2009 has been deemed the International Year of Astronomy.

In fact, 2009 marks 400 years since Galileo, arguably one of the most important astronomers in the field, turned his telescope to the stars and was bold enough to state the Earth revolved around the sun, not the other way around.

That being said, 400 years later are still very few of us who understand or even consider the position of the Earth in the universe. Thus the importance of encouraging wider curiosity and wonder about the universe we live in.

With ninety percent of Australian astronomy infrastructure currently located in New South Wales, it is the perfect place to celebrate the year of astronomy and foster this new curiosity in our children.

Take part in the 2009 International Year of Astronomy, and put the baby on the way intellectual enlightenment, offer them useful tools for growing “space-faring” future. Take a look at these events and visit near Observatory, which is listed below.


Sydney Observatory April school holiday program

Bring your children to the Sydney Observatory these holidays, and we will take them on a tour of the universe! Children Planetarium entertaining 30 minutes constellation storytelling sessions in Beanbag Planetarium. Sit back and be amazed as you travel through time and space.

treasure Sydney Observatory

Join fabulous guided tour features famous people stories of the equipment used by past explorers and astronomers to map both the sky and the land. Explorers and astronomers as Matthew Flinders, James Cook and Henry Chamberlain Russell. The tour includes a 3D space tour through the universe.

Winter Solstice at Sydney Observatory

Celebrating the International Year of Astronomy at Sydney Observatory. June 21 at 3.46pm the sun is the northernmost position for the year. This is the day of the winter solstice, the mythology that has developed and superstitions has grown

sky is the limit :. Astronomy In ancient times

Many ancient religions and myths revolve around their planets and stars as they looked to the stars to make sense of their world. Follow the stars and see how people use them to predict the change of seasons, track time and create a calendar.

South Pacific Star Party

Since 1993 the Astronomical Society in New South Wales has hosted the now famous annual South Pacific Star Party (SPSP). The Star Party provides enthusiasts the opportunity to meet other enthusiasts and astronomers, and monitor the dark clouds with great conditions, see the night sky as it is meant to be viewed

Space exhibition -. Powerhouse Museum

Open every day except Christmas Day. (Extended opening hours for several public and / or school holidays.) Powerhouse museum exhibition Space looks at the history of man’s desire to travel outside the earth’s atmosphere.

Parramatta Park Astronomy Open Night

Come in Parramatta Park Astronomy Open Night, large-scale, multi-community public open night to be held at Parramatta Park, Saturday, May 2, 2009, from 6:30 on.

Music and Cosmos

Music and the Cosmos is a special event featuring leading astronomers from the University of Sydney School of Physics, and SCM Chamber Music Ensemble. Celebrating the International Year of Astronomy at Sydney Science Forum and the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

Smart Light Sydney

Smart Light Sydney is a free, self-guided Light Walk. Take a stroll from Sydney Observatory throughout the iconic harbor front precinct, exploring the beautiful and dynamic light art sculptures with innovative, smart technology.

astrophotography budget

astrophotography need not be expensive. Mike Salway (Ice in Space website – Astronomical imaging on a budget). Shows how to get the most out of the equipment and take beautiful pictures of the budget

Saturn Night Fever

Peer through Sydney Observatory telescope and see naked Saturn without rings thereof, Alpha and Beta Centauri, the constellation Taurus and Virgo and the universe other celestial features and experience space as never before in 3D Space Theatre.

Observatories in Sydney and NSW

Mudgee Observatory

Mudgee Observatory has been private observatory in the last ten years, however, is now open to school groups, organized trips and any member of the public who wishes to attend.

Dubbo Observatory

The Dubbo Observatory allows you to zoom to the moon and through the solar system. Discover the Milky Way and beyond most high-tech telescope in the West

CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope -. ‘The Dish’

The famous Parkes Observatory, which featured in the Australian film ‘The Dish’, the landmark radio telescope nearly 50 years old, but still considered to be one of the best single dish radio telescope in the world.

Darby Falls Observatory

The Darby Falls Observatory is located on Observatory Road (the road Mt. McDonald) Darby Falls, Cowra. Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights and every evening during school holidays (weather permitting). Winter 7:00 to 10pm, Summer (Daylight) 8:30 pm to 11pm.

Green Point Observatory

The Green Point Observatory is operated by the Sutherland Astronomical Society (SAS) in Sydney, and the house of 41cm and 35cm telescopes. Green Point Observatory is open to meeting every Thursday evening, starting 8pm, and guests are welcome Guest Speaker Talk.

Koolang Observatory and Space Science Centre

The Koolang Observatory and Space Science Centre is located on the border of Central Coast and Lower Hunter, no more than two hours from most of Sydney and Newcastle suburb. The Koolang Observatory and Space Science Centre is open access astronomical observatory.

Macquarie University Observatory

Macquarie University campus at North Ryde is open to the public on Friday nights from March to November inclusive, subject to booking, unless rain. Please call confirmation on 0427 433 388 if the weather is questionable.

Port Macquarie Observatory

The Port Macquarie Observatory is operated by the Port Macquarie Astronomical Association Inc., a non profit voluntary group of people interested in astronomy. Astronomy Open Nights The Observatory is open to the public on Sunday and Wednesday nights

The Australia Telescope Compact Array -. Narrabri

The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), the Narrabri Observatory, is an array of six 22 m antenna used for radio astronomy. Located about 25 km west of the town of Narrabri in rural NSW (about 500 km north-west of Sydney), it is run by Australia Telesco Read more ..

University of Western Sydney Observatory

The University of Western Sydney (UWS) Observatory runs a public astronomy nights along with school, holiday and group programs during the day or at night. UWS Observatory is located at the University of Western Sydney, Penrith Campus, Great Western Highway, Werrington North.

Wollongong Science Centre and Planetarium

The Wollongong Science Centre and Planetarium is operated by the University of Wollongong as the official Science Center. The Center is also Planetarium (Blue Scope Steel Star Theatre), astronomy, laser light show, an extensive interactive exhibits, theater shows and more.

Bathurst Observatory

Bathurst Observatory is located in two places. One site is for research and study, the other is for public viewing through a telescope, and also has day exhibition space in the new 200 seat theatrette. Public Observatory is located on Bathurst Goldfields site.

Crago Observatory

Crago Observatory is located on Bowen Mountain near North Richmond (NW of Sydney), and is operated by the Astronomical Society of NSW. Observatory houses a 40 cm Dobsonian telescope, and is open on Saturday (next to last quarter Moon Phase).

Linden Observatory

Visit Linden Observatory in the Blue Mountains and join any of WSAAG’s (Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group) observing nights, where anyone can drop in and look through telescopes her. Monitor nights are usually held on Saturdays next New Moon.

Siding Spring Observatory

Siding Spring Observatory is home to some of the major telescopes in the world and Australia’s largest optical telescopes. Siding Spring Observatory is located next to a beautiful Warrumbungle National Park near Coonabarabran, NSW

Warrumbungle Observatory

Warrumbungle Observatory, otherwise known as “Tenby Observatory”, is located at the Timor Road leading into the Warrumbungle National Park, 10 km from Coonabarabran. The Warrumbungle Observatory but three Computerised telescopes including the 14-inch telescope.

Introduce yourself and your child or children to the wonders of the universe and really come to understand the place of our earth it is the greatest way to emphasize how fragile and extraordinary life on Earth actually is. Not only will you learn, you will find jaw dropping to the wonders and imagery galaxy and universe present us every day, but we rarely raise our gaze.

Visit Only Sydney Museum and Science for registration and more information about this 2009 International Year of Astronomy events and Sydney Observatory.


How to take Star Photos Without Telescope


You do not need a telescope to take beautiful and even dramatic photos of the stars and the night sky. You just need a camera and film. In this article I will give you tips and techniques to take great pictures of the night sky.

There are two basic types of star photos you can take. The first type is quick picture with an exposure of less than 30 seconds. This type of image shows stars and stationary. The second type of pictures you can take is a star trail picture. If you leave the camera shutter open for a long time the stars will form long songs in the film as they cross the sky. Both types are attractive and easy to do. In addition to simply take pictures of the sky you can add landscape features into the picture. This tends to make the picture very dramatic and particularly attractive.

tools you need

  • A camera that has the ability to move the shutter open for a long time. This feature is often called the bulb function. The camera should have either B or T setting. This can be difficult to find a new digital cameras
  • A roll of high speed film – 800 speed film is good but if you do not have easy access to this picture the 400 speed film will work quite well
  • A camera tripod or some other way to keep the camera very still
  • A baseball cap or a piece of heavy dark cloth

How to take pictures

  1. Before you go to load the film into the camera and take a picture inside. This sets the film properly so that developers can see the frame
  2. Bring all equipment outdoors for at least half an hour before you plan to take pictures. This makes the optics of the camera to adjust the temperature and humidity differences
  3. Add Camera in tripod
  4. Hold baseball cap or a piece of dark cloth over the camera lens without touching the camera
  5. Turn the shutter button so shutter opens
  6. The camera is now live and the image is ready to be exposed
  7. Take a hat or cloth and this begins the exposure
  8. Count of how long you want exposure to be – a good place to start would be with ten other exposure
  9. Add a hat or cloth so that the lens is again locked
  10. Close the shutter by releasing the shutter button

There is a whole process of taking the night sky picture. We use a baseball hat activating the shutter will cause vibration of the camera that could distort the delicate picture you are taking. Just exercise your push button or a motion shutter motions can be enough to destroy the image and take off pinpoint sharpness stars.

You may be wondering how to keep the shutter open without holding the button down. You can use one of several different solutions. The first solution is something called a shutter cable out. This is a cable that connects the shutter button on the camera. (Newer cameras might not have this option) You press the button on the end of the cable, and then lock it in shutter open position. Another solution is to use a rubber band or some other type of installation to actually hold the shutter button down. I have used a rubber band successfully on basic 35mm camera.

the exposure length

You should take your laptop with you and keep track of the exposure time for each image you click. This way you can judge the exposure worked best and when you try again on another night your photos will be added. Remember to start out by taking a picture of household object so that the first image of the frame will be set for the developer. Then take the night sky photos with different time intervals starting at 5 seconds. Then develop a 30-second shots and 1 minute shots.

depends on what part of the sky you are taking pictures of when you get in 30 seconds the stars will start to go hiking in the picture. You can take risks in a few hours to get very long and attractive star trails. At least 20 minutes will leave detectable and attractive trail.

Improving star formation

To get the best pictures to try to get the darkest skies possible. Light pollution from houses, street lights and other sources, the city can wash out the image. You can also add earth bound objects in the picture. Silhouettes of buildings trees or other land-based parts under the starry sky can make a very attractive picture. If you are close to the object you want in the movie, but it’s too dark, you can even shine a flashlight on it while the movie is a must. This will illuminate the object with a soft glow but not ruin the movie.

When bringing the film developer to ensure that you tell them that you have taken night time star photos and all the pictures should be developed and printed. As mentioned, you should make a note of this on the envelope you put the image. It will prevent the developer thinking none of the pictures came out and not making any prints.

Astro Photography is the art of taking pictures of the night sky objects and there are lots of opportunities for you to experiment in this art without a telescope. All you need is a simple 35mm camera, some high speed film and a few hours under the Dark Skies.


Haro – The Man Who Changed Astronomical Research Saga Mexico


Well-known Mexican astrologist Professor Guillermo Haro was born March 21 1913 Mexican Revolution. Although he was popular in the field of astronomy, Haro was actually a philosopher by profession after graduating in philosophy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). His interest in Astronomy as developed and led to his employment as an assistant in the Observatorio de Tonantzintla Astrofisico in 1943. From his research in astronomy pushed him as far as the Harvard College Observatory in the United States where he worked from 1943 to 1944

A year later in 1945, he returned to his country. and again his work on the Observatorio de Tonantzilla Astrofisico. That’s what he thought the establishment of 24-31 inch Schmidt camera, which later became one of the main instruments of historical discoveries. He returned to the Observatorio allow him to start learning very red and very blue stars. Because of the prominence of his work, Professor Haro transferred to UNAM’s Observatorio de Tacubaya in 1947.

During his work in both Observatorio is, Haro made some significant breakthroughs made mark in astronomy. With Schmidt telescope was restored in Tonantzintla, see him a few planetary nebulae in the same direction-finding galactic center is done independently by George Herbig; Therefore, it is now known as Herbig-Haro objects. Herbig-Haro objects are high-density control condensation that can be found close to the area where the star has recently formed. Together with his colleagues, Professor Haro also discovered flare stars in the Orion nebula and other prominent detections. His passion for stargazing lasted until he died.

Not only was Professor Haro famous for astronomical discoveries, as well as the major impact on the development of astronomy at the time. His tenacity has led to the creation and development of new institutions committed for such research. Truly, Haro made significant changes in astronomical research history in Mexico and his influence continues to this day.


Benefits of Shared Office Space


There has been increased co-working space over the years as more and more companies begin to realize the advantages and benefits that can stretch far beyond the fiscal.

Work room shared by others are hives of interaction and collaboration between different companies hail from a cross-sectional areas and establishments. An accounting boot could find themselves inhabiting the same job at the media consulting or Medical Group -. Small room Sex atmosphere different work attitudes, a scope trained specialist staff and new industries interested

It is easy to bounce ideas off new faces provide a fresh eye proposal idea needs or expects you’ve been looking for on the Web . It is much easier to talk to a friendly face when you need help from industry, unlike yours – you can find the sales and marketing team to share space with could give internet startup product advertising edge it requires. This reciprocal relationship is often cherished existing tenants co-working space that recognize the importance of having a plethora of experts in the office of their doorstep.

The networking opportunities can often be grand affairs and contacts established can be essential when it comes to moving out of the public space and your own. The like-minded individuals who were sitting next to you can become solid friends for the future because of the shared passion for the business and company.

plus the cost of taking up space is much cheaper than traditional means of office. Many shared offices have all the facilities needed to succeed in the modern business entered the facility. WiFi access, telephone, lighting, furniture, printers and workstations are included in the price and turning an operating mean you are not tied to long-term tenancy agreements

part of the office space are popping up and down the country. – From Bradford to Battersea offices should be the one to come to your area soon.


The Ultimate Telescope Equipment Checklist for Astronomy


This is used as the ultimate checklist for anyone WHO superintends to head out for a night under the stars. The article is structured Into 4 Sections. The Basics, Optional Accessories, Accessories & Telescope dependent Astro Photography Accessories. All too-which is available at most stores Specialist.

The Basics

Telescope of Any kind. If you have not Purchased a Telescope Yet and still shopping around. I would strongly recommend That you visit a Specialist (Online or in Store) and not a Department Store. I would recommend an Aperture of 130mm and above for Reflector or 90mm and above for a Refrigeration Actor.

Eyepieces. Minimum of 2 You should have received 2 Eyepieces with your telescope anyway. If you are a beginner, the brand is not vital but Plossl eyepieces are highly recommended and well worth the money.

Appropriate clothing. This is ofter Looked over by people starting out. Remember, You will be out in the open field with no roof above you and in the middle of the night. Dress appropriately. If you are unsure, dress as if you are going for a hike in the middle of the night.

Binoculars. This may Seem odd but you most Likely Will be doing this with a companion and They need to be entertained as well. With a Binoculars, at least Both of You Can share your observations. I recommend 10×50 or 15×70 Binoculars.

Optional Accessories

Barlow Lens. This acts as a doubler and Will multiply your eyepiece collection by 2. I would Classify this as a Basic (Must Have) but some people may not need it. Buy one That is of similar quality to your Eyepiece. If you have a Televue Eyepiece, do not buy some Chinese OEM Barlow Lens and vice versa. When you are using the Barlow lens, it becomes part of your eyepiece and if you buy an inferior quality one, you Will notice it.

Red Flashlight. That feeling you get When you get dazzled by a High-Beam while driving. You do not want That in the middle of looking at a planet you’ve just spent 15mins tracking down. It Will Take You 15mins for your eyes to adjustability back to the darkness before you Can see anything meaningful. A Red Flashlight Reduce That feeling dazzled.

Sky Maps. Whether it is an iPhone, Star Disc, Night Sky Guide. You Will Need something to use as a reference. If using an iPhone, remember That Will you want it at the dimmest setting preferably with a Red Cellophane paper over the screen to minimize the glare.

Compass. Everything is pitch black and it Will be very hard to get your bearings. You Will Need This as a Reference Point.

Telescope Dependent Accessories

PowerSupply. If your Telescope is Computerised. Remember That your AA batteries are only going to last a couple of hours in heavy use. Bring Spares or buy a Power Adapter like a Celestron Power Tank.

Dew Shield. If you have a large Cassegrain and it is very cold. This is a must. Store overbought or DIY is fine.

Wooden Board. If you have a Dobsonian. Remember, your telescope needs something flat to stand on to be stable and usable. A large piece of MDF works well.

Astro Photography

Adapters and T-Rings. Do not Forget it. Check That the T-Ring fits on your camera before you leave and the threads are all compatible.

Lens. Its not all about the telescope. Trust me. A good 70-200mm Lens Will do wonders When you are out in the dark skies.

Laptop / Memory Cards. If you are a keen photographer, You will be shooting RAW. Remember, They are very big files and Will you fill your card fast.

Camera. Pretty obvious. Also bring spare batteries.

So there you have it. The ultimate checklist for your Astronomy Trip. Use this list and you Will truly enjoy the experience.
